It represents water jet or air and water jet therapy.
The water temperature is indifferent (34-36C) under the pressure of 1-5atm. Therapy is performed in the tub, where the treated part of the body is submerged. It is used for the treatment of the whole body or certain parts of extremities.
The effects of underwater massage are:
- Body massage
- Improved blood and lymphatic circulation
- Joint pain and back pain relief
- Reduction of tension and muscle fatigue
- Improvement of the general condition
- Anti-stress effects
Underwater massage is used for the treatment of the following diseases:
- Degenerative diseases of the vertebral column
- Degenerative joint diseases
- Post-fracture conditions
- Sudeck’s atrophy
- Joints distension-distortion
- Muscle injuries
- Muscle spasm ( post-shock conditions, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy in children)
- Peripheral nerve damage